A petty tyrant is someone who has the ability to irritate and annoy us to distraction. An example of this is someone who you must interact with in your life – like your spouse’s business partner, an in-law, your father, or a client. Now, you could allow them to annoy you – or you could get over yourself, stop judging that person and trying to make them wrong – and just accept them and even love them, just the way they are!
MoreMonthly Archives: March 2013
What Message Are You Sending With Your Current Style?
There’s a saying out there – “clothes make the man.” But I can’t say that I particularly agree with that statement. I don’t think that clothing makes us anything – but I do believe that if you have a message that you want to get out there – or a business you want to grow and expand – your clothing must align with that message or business if you want to be heard and trusted. Subconsciously we’re always looking for alignment. We evaluate whether the emotions a person is putting out there matches the words they’re saying.
MoreSacred Sanctuary or Malevolent Maelstrom?
These days – it’s critical that your home be your personal sanctuary. That it be the place that you can retreat to after a long day in the trenches of life. But if you walk through your door and your place looks like WW III just took place, papers are all over every surface of the house, the closets are filled to the brim, the fridge is a science project, stuff is stuffed under the bed – you’re never going to be able to fully unwind, recharge and chill-out.
To live a truly audacious life it’s critical to remove all limiting and conflicting thoughts, be clear about the direction we are going in life and have a plan on how to execute the actions necessary to create the desired outcomes. We can’t do that if our homes are as filled to the as brim clutter as our minds are.
MoreThe Enliven + Energize Women’s Retreat: Maui
Maui, Hawaii :: March 18-23rd, 2014 Join me for 6 days/5 nights of delicious spa services, serious mojo + unrestrained vitality. We’ll be focusing on how to uplevel… our inner vitality (what keeps us energized and alive) + our personal sanctuary (what allows us to deeply relax and recharge in our home) through heart-felt circles, […]