I am SO glad you’re ready to get clear on what’s stopping you from
living your best life!
I want you to be able to follow through so that today’s conversation
becomes a REAL transformation, not another class that just sounds good.
That’s why I created this session – to make it easy for you to get CLEAR.
In our special session together we will:
• Make sure we illuminate the feisty behaviors that are reeking havoc in your life.
• Identify YOUR fearful thought forms that are causing your procrastination, overwhelm or avoidance.
• We’ll create “not-doings” for all those reactive behaviors.
So just like the clients I mentioned in my examples – YOU’LL have the tools you
need to deal with yourself. And that is a relief for sure!
It’s time to stop suffering – so let’s get you on the road to recovery
from procrastination, overwhelm, avoidance and lack of motivation right now!
So here is my special offering:
A three hour clarity session for the price of
a two hour session to help YOU achieve your goals.
But ONLY for the first 10 people who sign up
(…’cause I’ve got a bit of a time crunch in my schedule)
This 3 hour session is a powerful experience and a great way to make
the major shifts you know are needed in your life to move you forward right now.
No canned self-help rhetoric here…
just a clear action plan and the tools to implement it.
Truly there is no good time to work on yourself and the craziest thing
to do would be to PROCRASTINATE about taking advantage of this session
after I just spent an hour taking about this kind of behavior!
So I encourage you to do a “not-doing” and let’s get you feeling better!
Truly if I could get through the BIG FOUR so can you.
Okay, I get it Sheri! Sign me up!
1- Pay for your session here:
2- Next, simply click this link and choose a time that works best for you.
3- Then complete this questionnaire first so I have a deeper understanding of what’s on your mind!
I can’t wait to meet with you!