Plan, Fill & Profit Retreat Blueprint


I LOVE TRAVEL! Simply put – experiential travel for me is awe-inspiring, soul-stirring, heart-opening, fun, and above of all, life-changing.

And I’m going to guess that if you’re looking at this page you probably feel the same way too!

So then WHY aren’t you adding destination retreats & journeys
to your current offerings to help your clients transform & grow
ESPECIALLY if you could be netting 10-100k
from each retreat?!

Good question, right?

beach1Most of us avoid the idea because we don’t really know the in’s and out’s of planning a retreat, especially if it’s out of the country.

And we’ve all heard of folks who have had to cancel a retreat because they couldn’t fill it or who  under-priced their event and actually lost money doing it.

And that’s NOT where we want to be!

So that’s why I created the “Plan, Fill & Profit Retreat Blueprint”
the proven strategy to design, promote, sell-out and monetize
your transformational retreats so you can:

  • Create the destination retreat or journey of your dreams
  • Have a specific system to price your retreats so you never lose money
  • Create a launch formula to get your retreats filled + never have to cancel
  • Have the proper legal forms to protect you + your company
  • Learn how to monetize your events so that you add 10, 30, 50 or even 100k extra to your bottom line

If this sounds like something that makes your heart sing then I invite you to join me next time I’m teaching the program which will be October 2016! If you want to get on the list – sign up for Wanderlust Entrepreneur newsletter (and get our free ebook and mini video series on creating destination retreats) and you’ll get all the deets there!