Yes Sheri, I’m Ready to Stop Taking Life Personally!


Don't Take it Personally!I am SO glad you’re ready to stop taking things personally!

As always, I want you to be able to follow through so that my webinar becomes a REAL transformation, not just another class that you take in on a purely intellectual level.

To counter this issue I created a special 3 session group teleclass course to give each person enough time to really dig in and examine the way that they’re taking things personally in their life and draining their personal power and energy.

The class dates are: Tuesdays – February 4th, 11, & 18th at
9am pacific + 12pm eastern time.

The idea here is to clarify your particular issues and craft the best strategies to counter-act your behaviors and get REALLY clear about what beliefs are causing you to take things personally.

In our group teleclasses we will:

Get clear on how you’re taking things personally in your particular situation
(rather than feeling like you’re upset because of someone else’s actions or words).

Clearly identify the beliefs that are causing your suffering and how you’re
using those beliefs to hurt yourself.

Assist you in creating healthy counter-actions you can take in those moments
when you REALLY want to take someone personally!

In other words you DO NOT have to take your beloved, your family, your boss, or anyone else personally any more!

Don't Take it Personally!So just like the clients I mentioned in my examples – YOU’LL have the tools you need to deal with yourself. And that is a relief for sure!

Just imagine for a moment what it would be like to be calm no matter what was going on in your life and even if you did take someone personally for a bit – at least you wouldn’t have to take yourself personally for not being “perfect.”

In other words no more victimizing yourself!

The tuition for this special 3 session group teleclass course is only $297!

No canned self-help rhetoric here…
just a clear action plan and the tools to implement it.


Don't Take it Personally!Truly there’s no good time in your schedule to work on yourself as we are all so busy – but it would be very sad to put this on the back burner when you could be taking the first steps to getting off the emotional roller coaster and embracing your inner peace.

So DON’T WORRY if you can’t make it to all the classes! Simply email me your question and I’ll make sure I answer it on the call – then you can listen to the replay later and hear your answer!

No excuses, mark the dates on your calendar NOW and join me for this fun and enlightening teleclass series!!

Okay, I get it Sheri! Sign me up!

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